“A View from the Bridge”, by Arthur Miller, is a drama set in the 1950’s, exploring the themes of immigration and identity through the characters of Marco and Rodolfo, who are illegal immigrants from Italy. The play depicts the challenges that immigrants face in adapting to a new culture, the tensions that can arise between different cultural groups, and the conflicts between the law and family honor.
It is directed by Cathy James
Performed with permission from Dramatists Play Service, Inc.
Cast of Characters
Louis Tannen Smith
Mike Richard Dobson Sr.
Alfieri Ty Unglebower
Eddie Tom Doty
Catherine Anna Ressler
Beatrice Kim Jones
Marco Rich Dobson Jr.
Rudolpho John Cantor
1st Immigration Officer Tod Williams
2nd Immigration Officer Amy Fox
Submarine 1 Sheri Babcock
Submarine 2 DJ Robertson
Tickets are $20 / $15 Seniors 65+