Come enjoy an evening of song at the Potomac Playmakers Performing Arts Center. A lineup of singers will perform their favorite Disney songs (and yours, no doubt) as only they can! This event features performers who always wanted to perform Disney tunes, regardless of whether they appear to be princesses, evil villains, sidekicks or heroes. Tickets are $10.As this is a Stage Door production, members of the Potomac Playmakers are admitted for free. Not a member? Join on the website.
With the Potomac Playmakers "Buy a Seat" campaign, you can name a perpetual seat in the Lee Stine Auditorium for only $125.
A commemorative 1.5" x 3" brass plate will be placed on the back of one of the seats in the theatre. We cannot ensure the specific placement of each plaque location, but early donors will be placed in the frontmost rows.
You are not purchasing the seat for your use during the season, and naming rights do not guarantee that you can sit in that seat when you come to a Playmakers' production. In addition to the permanent plaque you receive a 1-year membership in the Potomac Playmakers, which enables you to vote at the Annual Meeting in our election to the Board.